2023年线上实盘配资 解析博通最新期权交易趋势

发布日期:2024-08-04 15:18    点击次数:188

2023年线上实盘配资 解析博通最新期权交易趋势


Deep-pocketed investors have adopted a bearish approach towards Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO), and it's something market players shouldn't ignore. Our tracking of public options records at Benzinga unveiled this significant move today. The identity of these investors remains unknown, but such a substantial move in AVGO usually suggests something big is about to happen.

We gleaned this information from our observations today when Benzinga's options scanner highlighted 27 extraordinary options activities for Broadcom. This level of activity is out of the ordinary.

The general mood among these heavyweight investors is divided2023年线上实盘配资, with 29% leaning bullish and 59% bearish. Among these...

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